Working with us
ADHDcentraal is an innovative expertise agency within the GGZ with several locations throughout the Netherlands. The organization diagnoses and treats ADHD in adults. The culture within the organization is professional and customer-oriented. We work from a well-structured organization and with a committed and expertly trained team. The uniqueness of ADHDcentraal is that diagnostics are done in one day.
Our ambitious organization is entirely at the service of the patient. Our patients appreciate the accessible and transparent way of working; the clear substantiation of our diagnostics and the service orientation that manifests itself, for example, in the comfortable waiting rooms at our locations. On we currently score an average of 9.3!
ADHDcentraal is part of Dedimo, a portfolio of four mental health care initiatives.
Meet our colleagues
Nique, location assistant in The Hague
“Patients know they have ADHD and with us they get the tools to deal with it.”
Daniëlle, psychologist in Groningen
“By focusing on one target group you can effect more change I think.”
Joke van Buiten, site manager in The Hague
“You have to respond to current events, but also always keep the bigger goals in mind.”
Laetesha, location assistant in Zwolle
“Actually, I’m kind of a hostess. Me you see first when you come into our house.”
Haitze, site manager in Nieuwegein
“I get energized when everything runs as it should and I can be there for the colleagues and for the patients.”
Inge, location assistant in Nieuwegein
“We always think along with the patients. They really are our focus.”
Jilldine, site manager in Groningen
“There is a fine energy with our target audience. “
Annemieke, location assistant in Utrecht
“Within ADHDcentraal there are many innovations, patients and staff are listened to and really acted upon.”
Isabelle, nursing specialist in Nieuwegein
“At ADHDcentraal, we make a difference for every patient.”