Facts and figures

Zorgkaart Nederland Annual Figures

Care Map Netherlands chart

The average rating per year at ZorgkaartNederland is always above 9 for ADHDcentraal.

CQI ADHDcentraal 2023

CQI ADHDcentraal 2023 chart

The Consumer Quality Index is the measurement tool from Akwa GGZ. On this independent questionnaire, patients rate treatment with a rating of 8.7.
On the 4 topics of Cure, Treatment Information, Decision Making Together and Treatment Execution, they gave a score higher than a 4 on a scale of 5. (see the table opposite)

Patient Satisfaction ADHDcentraal

Patient Satisfaction ADHDcentraal

Patient satisfaction with ADHDcentraal is on the rise.
Expertise is rated 9 in 2023.
The recommendation rises to a 9.1.