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From chaos to focus


ADHDcentraal is the expert agency for ADHD in adults. We offer a unique program of diagnostics and treatment.

What is ADHD

ADHD is a, possibly, congenital disorder that leads to difficulty concentrating, impulsivity, overactive behavior and inner turmoil.


ADHDcentral offers accurate diagnostics with a thorough psychiatric examination, questionnaires and the QbTest.


ADHD can usually be treated effectively. Medication combined with individual counseling leads to greater focus and a better quality of life.

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ADHDcentraal is rated highly on ZorgkaartNederland.

ADHDcentraal focuses its care on the specific target group ADHD in adults. As a result, we are able to provide high quality and efficient care. We provide clear diagnostics in one day and, in consultation with you, we carry out the treatment. We are able to actually live up to our motto: from chaos to focus for our patients.
The fact that our patients appreciate this is reflected in our rating on Zorgkaart Nederland.