
You suspect you have ADHD or ADD, the self-test gave a positive result and you have your family doctor’s referral in your pocket. At ADHDcentraal, we are happy to investigate with you whether you do indeed have ADHD. Moreover, you can choose whether you only want a diagnosis or, after the diagnosis, you also want to start treatment immediately.

Unique at ADHDcentraal is that we diagnose in one day. With us, you don’t have to sit in uncertainty for months whether or not you have ADHD. Through smart planning and proper preparation, we are able to work with you to get the diagnosis done in one day.

We explain in the video exactly what to expect during the Diagnostics Day at ADHDcentral.

For diagnostic day:

  • We ask you and someone who knows you well to complete the CAARS (Connors ADHD Adult Rating Scale).
  • We ask you to prepare for the interview with the psychologist by looking back at yourself at ages 6-12, elementary school days and your school records.

On diagnostics day:

  • Comprehensive medical intake
  • Diagnostic Interview for Adults with ADHD (DIVA).
  • QbTest (Objective, computerized neuropsychological examination)
  • Psychiatric examination
  • Joint discussion of the results

Diagnosis of ADHD

If you have been diagnosed with ADHD, you can, if you wish, start treatment immediatelytreatment. Thus, there is no waiting time between diagnosis and treatment.


If you have not been diagnosed with ADHD or ADD, we will refer you back to your primary care physician. This referral consists of comprehensive and sound advice.

You may have suspected
Have ADHD or ADD?

The self-test gives a first impression. ADHDcentraal is happy to investigate further with you. At ADHDcentraal, you can choose diagnostics only or diagnostics and treatment.