Meet Joke van Buiten, site manager in The Hague


“You have to respond to current events, but also always keep the bigger goals in mind.”

Can you explain what your position is and what you do like?

In my position, I mainly make sure that everything in the team is as well organized as possible, that the daily business keeps going well. And that the team remains in good spirits, insofar as I can influence that, of course. Actually, I am also a kind of oracle for all colleagues at the location.
It’s very varied work. You have to respond to current events, but also always keep the bigger goals in mind. That variety and having to switch between them is what I like about the work.

Why did you choose to work at ADHDcentraal?

At ADHDcentraal, the role of nurse specialists is very interesting because they are also directional clinicians. That makes it a very nice organization for nurse specialists to work in. I was also very curious about treatment at a specialist organization. I myself wanted to become a specialist in the field of ADHD. Working at a specialized organization was therefore a logical and fitting choice. Moreover, I love working with people with ADHD. They are often creative, think slightly differently and are colorful. And I love color!

Do you have an example of a situation where you felt you could really make a difference for the clients of ADHDcentraal?

We make a difference, I think, for many people. Precisely because we are specialists in the field of ADHD. We can help people along the way, so that they can continue to grow on their own. That’s great to see.

What do you get the most energy from in your work at ADHDcentraal?

What I like about working at ADHDcentraal is that it is an innovative and creative organization. Out of the box thinking is allowed here and is itself encouraged. I like that. You have to like a bit of adventure when you work here. And I really believe in this form of assistance.

What superpower would you like to have that could be useful in your work at ADHDcentraal?

I don’t think I would be happy with a superpower at all. Staying myself really just seems the best to me. I like to make do with the powers that be. This applies both to myself and to the team I work with in The Hague. We don’t need superpowers!

What would you give people who want to apply for a job at ADHDcentraal?

Innovating is a key value at ADHDcentraal. That should appeal to you. The atmosphere is friendly and everyone who works here is motivated. That’s nice!


Have you become excited about working at ADHDcentraal?