What is ADHD?


Children and adolescents with ADHD often appear to function at a lower school level than would be possible according to testing. Very characteristically, things are getting worse at school. You start at a certain level, but after one or two stays you move to a lower level. When learning really fails, leaving school without a diploma is the only option. Adolescents with ADHD are also more likely to be truant and more likely to be involved in classroom conflicts. Violent adolescence and impulsivity may be recognizable to you, which of course has a bad impact on your school and work. Still, clear structure and support at school can usually provide a positive effect. When you go on to further education or work and live on your own, you often lose this structure and control again. It then becomes more difficult to organize yourself, your studies, work, household and finances and therefore you also lose motivation for this.


Read more about functioning in school, work, relationships, substance use, household and self-image.