eHealth Hyperactivity
Tips for dealing with HYPERACTIVITY and inner turmoil.
You are on the waiting list for diagnostics for and possibly treatment for ADHD. Leading up to your research, we would like to give you some tips for dealing with hyperactivity. This refers to being overly active in your body (physical restlessness, agility), in your head (thinking a lot) and/or behavior (being overly active).
Consider whether you recognize hyperactivity and whether it has adverse effects on you or others and, if so, which ones. Discuss this on diagnosis day.
When you come to us for treatment, a psychologist can help you put the tips below and others into practice and stick with them.
Tip 1: Organize your life
As there is more turmoil in your life, it becomes more important (and more difficult!) to plan and organize well. For tips, see document ‘3. Tips for better planning’. Write appointments in a calendar and things to do on a to-do list and prioritize (ABC). Provide a tidy environment and reduce distractions.
Tip 2: Relax
- Find out what makes you relaxes; can you do this more and possibly schedule it? For example, exercising, taking a hot shower/bath, walking, listening to music, etc.
- Mindfulness and meditation can be helpful. Physical rest leads to mental rest and vice versa. Set yourself up for the fact that mental calm is not there immediately when you do something relaxing, but arises over time as you do it for longer. Be gentle with yourself and don’t give up!
- Pay attention to your breathing and do an exercise if necessary. Breathing has a lot of influence on the functioning of our brain, so also on concentration and (hyper)activity.
Tip 3: Fringe behavior
Fries to clothing, for example, can help you focus, say, on a conversation. It is a kind of “task” that does not require conscious attention, so less attention is lost to (distracting) environmental stimuli.
- How does fidgeting express itself to you?
- What are for you advantages and disadvantages of fidgeting?
- While fidgeting can be helpful, it can also have disadvantages have. For example, nail biting, or tapping a pen that can be distracting to others. Therefore, try to do it in a way that does not bother others. For example, you can use a paper clip, stress ball or ‘fidget toy’ (fidget toy), which is specially made for (virtually) noiseless fidgeting.
- Explain to people you see often why you move/fidget a lot. When people understand something, they are usually less bothered by it. If necessary, indicate that the other person may say so if it bothers them.
Tip4: Exercise/sports (source:
Why And when do you fidget? For example, is it a signal that you are building tension, sitting too long and need exercise? Sitting for long periods of time is not healthy for anyone because you are not using your muscles. Not moving enough can lead to physical symptoms.
Try to take as many small “movement moments” as possible. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk up and down the stairs a few times, stand when in a meeting and when talking on the phone, take a short walk when on break, get off a bus stop earlier and walk to your destination, etc.
Healthy exercise is healthy and important for every human being. It has many benefits:
- You can relax better and suffer less stress.
- It improves mood and helps against gloom and anxiety. For people with mild or moderate depression, exercise is as effective as taking antidepressants (!), according to research.
- You can sleep better.
- You are less tired and you get out of bed more easily in the morning.
- You are less likely to have mental health problems, obesity, diabetes (diabetes) and diseases of your cardiovascular system. Exercise is good for your blood pressure.
- When you exercise regularly, you feel fitter and have more energy.
- You get stronger muscles and bones.
- Spread the recommended 2.5 hours per week over several days.
- See how you can make activities more active, such as walking and biking.
- For example, exercise actively for 30 minutes for 5 days, i.e. your heart beats faster and your breathing speeds up.
- Also, sometimes move very actively for 20 minutes, i.e., you will sweat and breathe faster and have a harder time talking to another person. For example, while running, racing bikes or playing soccer.
- Make your bones and muscles stronger twice a week, such as with exercises, strength training, stair climbing and fitness.
Pay attention to your body. When in pain, you slow down or stop. Muscle pain is part of it.
- Check for yourself: What do you like about exercise/sports? Do you prefer to do it alone, or in a group? Endurance sport, or sprint sport? Competitive, or for yourself? Outside, or in the gym?
- What is/are appropriate sports/activities that fit this? Don’t you like doing the same thing over and over again? Then alternate.
- Make sure it’s something you have time for, such as close to home, or choosing your own time.
- How do you make sure to try this out? Consider; writing down, scheduling, asking a friend to go together.
- Ask yourself: what do I need to consider in this sport/activity? What are my alternatives if I cannot do my usual exercise?
- Make it a habit, such as every morning, Wednesday night, etc.
- Involve others; tell your partner when you exercise, exercise with someone, sign up with a club, ask for advice at the gym or (temporary) help from a personal trainer, etc.