Information about the self-test
The ADHD self-test is a screening test. This questionnaire is designed to help recognize the symptoms of ADHD in adults. The test provides a first clue that your symptoms may fit ADHD.
The self-test used at ADHDcentraal is the ASRS. It was developed by the WHO (the World Health Organization).
Every questionnaire has limitations and ADHD is difficult to diagnose. At the same time, it sometimes seems as if a diagnosis of ADHD is made easily and quickly. We explicitly consider this list a starting point, an initial indication. You may be wondering how reliable such a test is. The questionnaire we use is well researched and provides an initial indication. The ASRS self-test has high reliability.
If you score positive on the test, chances are you do indeed have ADHD. If you score below the threshold, that chance is less. The self-test gives only an indication. If you are in doubt and think you may still have ADHD, contact your doctor.
Scientific research and background information (in English) on the test can be found here:
Take the ADHD self-test
The ADHD self-test consists of six questions related to the symptoms of ADHD. The result of the test indicates whether you may have ADHD. In that case, we recommend that you discuss this with your doctor. The self-test is also available as a download to print, in case your computer does not display the self-test properly.